Friday, May 12, 2006

100 Things 26 - 30

Here are things 1-5, 6 - 10, 11-15, 16 - 20, and 21 - 25.

26. I am smart enough to qualify for membership in Mensa, but I don't want to hang out with all those eggheads. During my brief stint in the honors program in college, I discovered that "smart" people bug the hell out of me.

27. After hearing about it in a Clutch song, I couldn't wait to have a fine Darjeeling tea. I discovered that I don't like Darjeeling, because I pretty much don't like tea. And I knew that before I ever tried the Darjeeling. This is a recurring experience of mine. About once a year I get a hankering for olives/whoppers/tuna, and will go out of my way to get some. Then I have one bite and remember that I freaking HATE olives/whoppers/tuna. Though, I am slowly starting to like tuna.

28. When stressed, my sense of humor slowly goes away until obvious jokes fly right over my head, and I don't notice until the person telling the joke is looking at me like I'm retarded. Then I say "That was a joke, wasn't it?"

29. I tend to make sound effects to accompany my actions, except while riding. Riding doesn't need them. Cars do.

30. I miss suction cup dart guns that had darts that actually stuck to things. What's the deal with the new dart guns that don't actually STICK? How can you tell if your shot was accurate or not if the dart isn't stuck to the tv right where Elmo/Bill O'Reilly/some jerk from a reality show just was?

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