Friday, April 21, 2006

100 things 11-15

Here are things 1-5 and 6 - 10.

11. I am a huge fan of Weird Al Yankovic.

12. The best episode of Good Eats was the one where Alton Brown delivered cookies to Girl Scouts on his SV650.

13. I saw Ronnie James Dio in concert last year. I am not ashamed of that.

14. I am terrible about regular vehicular maintenance. I hardly ever remember to check tire pressures, oil levels, coolant levels, do oil changes... Excuse me, I need to run out to the garage for a second.

15. As a kid I was terrified of rollercoasters. I flat out refused to go on them. So it is weird that I was so eager to jump off a high-dive platform. You know how people talk about time slowing down so you can fully appreciate the stupid thing you just did? Yeah. Here's the chain of events when I did that: Jump. Hold breath. Expect to hit water. No water yet. Nope. Wonder where the water is. Still falling. Think: "WHERE'S THE FREAKING WATER??" About 15 minutes later I finally landed in the water. After that, rollercoasters didn't scare me anymore.

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