Thursday, April 27, 2006

100 things 16 - 20

Here are things 1-5, 6 - 10, and 11-15.

16. Although I do not miss snow, I do wish Phoenix would get more rain.

17. I have so many ideas I sometimes get stressed out about having time to pursue them all.

18. As a kid I was taught the importance of shaking hands correctly. In fact, my grandfather felt it was a serious enough issue that he would shake hands with me everytime he saw me and emphasize the importance of a firm handshake and eye-contact. At the time, I thought he was a bit off his rocker, but I now see the wisdom in it. My first impressions of people are rarely wrong, and a crummy handshake is always a red flag.

In fact, when meeting a previous newly-hired boss, I knew I was in for a rough time when he didn't make eye-contact and gave me the limpest handshake I've ever encountered. I was so right. Later, I wondered how the hell he got the job in the first place with a squishy fish handshake like that.

19. I chew ice.

20. I've noticed that when you're laying under a car or bike, it's easy to forget the following rule: Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey. More than once I've strained away at a drain plug for a couple minutes before I remember that I'm turning the wrench the wrong way.

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