Saturday, January 19, 2008

Five Signs You've Found a Great Motorcycle Pizza Parlour

Finding a new restaurant is scary. You never really know if the food is going to be worthwhile, or if you're going to have to make a mad dash for the facilities minutes after eating. This blog is, of course, my own small attempt at easing your pain. Never mind that there's more posts here about motorcycles than pizza....

Here are five easy ways to tell if a pizza place is worth taking off your helmet for.

5. The word "Parlour" in the name. No one uses the word parlour any more, which is why those of us who love pizza seek out restaurants that do. It means they've been around for a good while. Restaurants, particularly pizza joints, come and go with alarming frequency. A restaurant that has been around a long time is usually a safe bet.

4. They're in a terrible building. Always be suspicious of a pizza restaurant in a shiny new building, unless it's the new location of a well-established pizza parlour. Even then, be suspicious. How did they afford the upgrade? Pretty buildings in nice locations require a lot of money, and big money means big business. Big business nearly always means bad pizza. If the building is ancient and in average to rough shape, you're probably in for a good pizza.

3. They're a local institution. A pizza joint that has been in business for forty years almost always makes a mean pie. A new place might be good, and is worth trying, but an older restaurant is usually a good restaurant.

2. There are lots of motorcycles out front, of varying brands. I am always wary of any establishment where there are a ton of Harley-Davidsons, but nary a sport or touring bike to be seen. Bikers like good food and tell each other about great restaurants where a hungry rider can find a good meal. "Bikers"™ like to drink beer and be seen looking tough, and as such will go where ever other "Bikers"™ congregate. If that is your idea of fun, enjoy it by all means. Me, I just want a good slice. Your results may vary.

1. It's been given a rating of five Crying Luckies by your favorite motorcycle pizza reviewer. Hey, a little self-promotion never hurt anyone…*

Please leave comments with your own tips for finding a good pizza place. Also, I'd just like to remind y'all to please give me suggestions for places to review. Currently I'm looking for pizzas in Arizona (naturally), New Mexico, and Southern California.

Here's are some recent(-ish) reviews I've done:

Cardo's Pizza and Italian Restaurant
Two Reviews! Barbarella and Mona Lisa
Organ Stop Pizza
Spinato's Pizza
Joe's Farm Grill
Canelli's Pizzeria

*Expect a new review in the next couple days!

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