Saturday, April 08, 2006

Sometimes, people don't suck

Tonight I went to pick up dinner on my bike at a mexican place. Apparently, they weren't kidding about size for their "large" bag of chips. I didn't have room in my tank bag or in my jacket, and of course I didn't have my backpack.

So I was in a tight spot.

I heard some kid behind me say something, and a dad say "Yeah, he's got a motorcycle." Naturally, I turned on the charm and asked if they had any duct tape. They didn't. I asked another guy, and he seemed terrified of me. I can't say I blame him, as I am a bit intimidating in all my gear (See Moto-Stealth pts. 2 and 4). Wish he'd had some tape though...

I went inside and asked one of the dummies behind the counter if they had any tape-like materials. Apparently the dummy had never heard of tape, or motorcycles. Dummy asked if I wanted a bag to put my bag of chips in.

It took all I had not to say "No, as my problem is that I already HAVE one bag too many."

Luckily, that's when the first guy I talked to came back into the store and said "hey, will this help?"

My man had that prince of binding equipment: the bungee cord. I wanted to hug him.

Instead, I said "Yeah, that'll be great! Thanks!"

The chips made it home ok, with only a little breakage (most of that was probably from me kicking them every time I got on and off the bike).

Anyway, every now and then someone does something so awesome for me that it really shakes my whole "people suck" philosophy up. Thanks for saving the day, bungee-having-dude.


Anonymous said...

i had a similar experience tonite. went to a late movie. my friend and i were about 10 minutes late. at the ticket window i realized i forgot my student i.d. (discount!). damn. when the girl behind the counter heard me mumbling she gave me the discount anyway. yay! inside, the concession dude was closing up for the night. i stood there watching him clean out the butter machine and asked him how old the popcorn was. he was explaining that it was fresh and that he was just going to throw it out when his manager passed by and gave me a BOXFULL . yay times 2!

Anonymous said...

one word 'bungeenet' in bulk