Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Worst itch in the world.

Is there any itch as bad as an itchy eye at 80 mph on the freeway? Especially when your nose starts to itch next?

I thought I was going to lose my mind on the ride home today. My eye starting itching about 5 minutes into my ride, and kept annoying me all the way home. I tried blinking, I tried blowing air up at my eye, I tried opening my visor just a crack... it just kept itching and itching and itching and itching and driving me absolutely batshit.

Until I was able to stop for long enough to scratch it. It magically stopped itching the second I stopped my bike in front of my garage. I scratched at it anyway (it's the principle of the thing).

That was almost as fun as the time I broke out in hives while riding in to work.

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