Monday, March 27, 2006


This is what stupid looks like. Yep, that's one of my front brake pads, worn down so far that the metal underneath where the pad is supposed to be is starting to shine through (apologies for the fuzzy photo, I was too lazy to put new batteries in the camera).

Well... I'm a dope.

Now, the brake pad packaging said that I would notice reduced braking power for the first 250 miles. What it should have said is "Good luck, sucker!" My front brake and back brake were about equally effective at first. They're starting to get better, but I can't wait until I have full friction again.

And now, for the "scooter leaning of the second" update. I'm going ask Lady Luck right now which scooter she wants. Guaranteed in 10 minutes she'll change her mind.

Lady Luck says: Mojito. Actually, she said "I DON'T KNOW! LEAVE ME ALONE!"

She's getting a Stella. You and I both know it.

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