Thursday, April 12, 2007

Let's Talk About Your Big "But."

You should ride to work every day.

How many reasons did you instantly come up with for why you can't? I bet there are plenty: weather, traffic, time, comfort, being a huge wuss...

It's not so much that you can't, as you won't.

No, I'm not going to lecture you about riding to work every day. I could, and I do think you should ride to work every day, but I'd rather talk about obstacles we put in our own way.

Take a minute to think of a dream of yours. Maybe you want to take a trip to Italy, or start a business, or ride down the continental divide.

Now, what's stopping you?

Personally, I dream of running my own business. I think I've got a pretty good business idea too. It isn't particularly original (something entrepreneurs have to face is that they probably aren't the only person out there with their idea. It's ok.), but it will probably work.

My idea is to sell other people's motorcycles for them on eBay, and take a comission from the sale of the bike. They'll generally get more than they would from a dealer, and won't have to deal with the hassle of a private sale.

So, how come I'm not doing it already? Good question. I managed to come up with enough reasons why I can't do it, or need to put it off, that I paralyzed myself. The thing is, all the reasons are easily overcome.

Here's a few of my "buts":

  • I need a dealer's license to sell motorcycles
  • I need a surety bond that is fairly expensive in order to get the dealer's license
  • I don't have storage space for bikes, so they'd have to stay with the owners.
  • Since the bikes are with the owners, it'll be hard to arrange shipping
  • People might try to scam me
  • etc, etc, I can't do it.
Ok, really, none of those issues are big deals. I can deal with or work around all of them, I've just convinced myself it's too much work and given up.

How silly is that?

When I step back and look at it, I have to admit that my problem is that I'm afraid to do it. I have to overcome that problem, and everything else will work out.

An obstacle shouldn't stop anyone until they've run into it, tried to go over, under, around and through it and they still can't find a way to get to they're goal. A sure-fire way to miss a goal is to stop just because you know there is an obstacle out there somewhere.


Anonymous said...

The reason _I_ don't ride to work is, well, I don't work. Disabled, you see. Somehow, I have let that stop me. Arthritis, primarily. Can still swing a leg over my motorcycle, but that's pretty much my limit. Can't clear a package or box on the back seat. or a trunk behind the seat.

Anonymous said...

I've heard all the excuses from people who I KNOW own motorcycles not riding to work. Some are realistic appraisals of their own riding skills -vs- the viciousness and unpredictability of city traffic.

Can't fault them there, except to tell them to get to an advanced rider's class and practice.

As for the other But, the only reason I don't go freelance with my motojournalism, or start any other business, is because I can't take risks like that with my family's health and future. This job has full medical and other benefits, and is relatively secure. The other options don't and aren't.

Sorry to ramble here on your turf, Lucky, but you touched a nerve with that one.

Ride well,

Lucky said...

Tinker - I'm betting that if you did have a job, you'd ride to work. And, hey, you're still riding!

Gary - But if you wanted to, you could motojournal on a for-pay basis, or run a company doing whatever, part-time to start, right?

The problem I wanted to address is rationalizing one's way out of pursuing a goal or dream. Yes, there are obstacles. Yes, many of them are legitimate and difficult to overcome. There is, however, always a way to get started.

Sometimes the way to get started is so small it is frustrating.

Personally, I don't want to start a business, or writing professionally, or whatever PART-TIME. I want to grandly announce that I am now a full time novelist (or whatever), and start spending my day tapping at a keyboard wearing a top hat, occasionally emerging to utter something eccentric and witty to my adoring legions of fans who paid an extra 5 bucks a head to get me to sign their books.

Of course, reality says that 1st time novelists usually don't make enough money to justify leaving their day jobs. Nor do they have legions of adoring fans. So, in the meantime, I can write (badly) part-time, and work towards eventually writing (badly) full-time.

It's better than just going "feh, I can't do it."

And by the way, Gary, you had the incredible audacity required to get Piaggio to loan you a scooter for the season. So, clearly, you aren't overburdened with a self-defeating attitude. :D

What if you'd never bothered to ask because you thought they'd probably say no, or you were worried what would happen if you crashed the Vespa?

Combatscoot said...

I think you did a bang-up job on your first novel- Now get cracking on another one!
I lived to see several of my dreams come true. They weren't always what I thought they were going to be, but still, I am fortunate to have experienced them!

Biker Betty said...

I've finally gotten some jobs far enough away to ride. Until recently, most of my subbing jobs were within walking distance of my house. One school has been calling me a lot and they are 1/2 hour drive. At 6:30am I'm hitting the road on my motorcycle and the sun's just coming up. It's so much fun riding to and from work. While it's still winter, the weather is pretty nippy, but I'm luv'n it!!

Good luck in pursuing your dream. I know you can do it, Biker Betty