Friday, August 25, 2006

Stay outta the blindspots dude!

On my way home this evening I got a good scare when I nearly broadsided a bicyclist at a stoplight. I was turning right, and dude came up from behind me and kinda lingered just out of sight until I nearly hit him. We were close enough to rub elbows.

Thankfully I was able to avoid wrecking his (and my) ride. He gave me a peace sign, which I interpreted as either a "sorry to be a dumbass" or a "it's ok that you were a dumbass." I hollered "Sorry dude!" but I don't think he heard me (the crazy iPod-wearin-in-traffic guy).

One of the weird things about being on a bike is that when you're inches away from hitting something, you become perfectly aware of just how close you are. Had my brain been screaming "DANGER! DANGER!" a little softer, I probably could have figured out what he was listening to.


Lucky said...

Hey Lucky,

Glad it turned out as nothing more than an "Oh Shit" moment. I've had a few of those myself. I'm starting to think I'm getting old when I hear myself saying stuff like "Damn kids with their music so loud they can't hear the traffic around them!" Crap, does that make me an old fogey?

Lucky (your brother from up North)

Lucky said...

Hey to my brother from another mother!

You'd sound more like an old fogey if you said "Damn kids with their crap music so loud..."

Everyone go check out Other-Lucky's motorcycle blog.