Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Lovely Day for a Ride

There's a saying in the Scandinavian countries that goes like this: there is no bad weather, only bad clothing. Of all the people in the world, they'd know. I lived in Sweden for a couple years, and the weather there is bizarre like habanero chiles are hot.

Along the same lines, there is a buddhist teaching (that I'm about to butcher) that says in a rainstorm there are two choices you can make. You can dart from doorway to doorway, or accept the rain and calmly walk through it. You get the same soaking either way, but the second choice is less stressful.

Right now the weather here in Phoenix is hot and humid. Of course, according to the weather channel, you poor saps in the midwest have more heat and humidity than we do. Ha ha, suckers! But back to the topic at hand, it's hot, sticky and generally miserable outside. I can dread the heat, complain about it endlessly and obsess about it while I'm out riding, or I can accept that it's damn hot out, suit up and get out on my bitchin' new Triumph anyway. I assure you that I have a lot more fun when I accept the heat, get out and ride! After all, I can't control the weather, but I can control when I do or don't ride.

Motorcycling is a hobby (obsession, in my case) that can teach a person a lot. Not only does one learn risk-management, various handy and fun mechanical facts, and loads of people skills, but also how to let what you can't control slide.

I have a tendency to worry about things I can't really control. It's something I've worked to get under control, and I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I think that riding has a lot to do with it. Riding has taught me to act when I can, control what I'm able to control and accept (but keep a calm eye on) things I can't control. Endless fretting does nothing except spoil an otherwise enjoyable ride, so why bother with it?

Now then, it's a great day for a ride. Get out there already!

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