Saturday, March 18, 2006

Moto-Stealth pt: 3

Don't be that guy.

If you're on a motorcycle, don't be a dick. Today I couldn't seem to get away from a group of 4 dinks on bikes. They first got my attention by flying by me in my lane going at least 20 mph faster than me.

Personally, I think that's just rude. Since I was on a bike, however, I was able to get over it. After all, it's legal for 2 bikes to ride next to each other in the same lane.

Later, as I turned around to run back down the road again, I saw the same 4 guys hanging out on the side of the road. They were just talking, so I didn't stop.

Not too long after that, I saw them coming up behind me again. Having witnessed their prior behavior, I just got out of the way and hoped no one else on the road would think I was part of their group. They all came flying by me again, this time riding on the double-yellow lines.

Personally, I don't split lanes, and I definitely don't pass in no-pass zones. I don't trust my depth perception enough to lane-split, but I'm fine with it if other people want to. Passing in a no passing zone is just an asshole thing to do, though.

That was pretty disgusting, but then they started harassing some guy on his bicycle. What the fuck was that about?

Ladies and gents, motorists have a dim view of riders as it is. Think a little bit before you act, and don't mess with people who didn't mess with you first.


Anonymous said...

There's this guy around here who rides around on his Gixxer in shorts and a t-shirt totally posing. That's not the weird part, everyone does that. He rests his elbow on the tank sort of riding sidesaddle looking over his shoulder. He looks backward more than he looks forward. I hate those dumbasses that make the rest of us look bad.

Anonymous said...

Do you suffer from a phenomenon over there known as 'Born Agains'? It's a big problem for British Bikings image and safety record.
Forty plus's with disposable income take a four day course then go out and buy some 1000cc looney bike and proceed to terrorise the roads for three months before lobbing themselves into a ditch or the side of a van.

They are easily recognised as they are only seen on sunny weekends between April & September and will be wearing ill-fitting one-piece leathers with matching lid (usually a Rossi rep). They hunt in packs and ride at stupid speeds down A-roads, tailgating, stupid overtakes and generally being abusive. If you ever see a group of brand new bikes parked up somewhere you can easily see if they are born again by looking at the tyres. If the rear is totally squared off then you know you are in the presence of mediocre riders who are scared by corners, the sure sign of a born-again.

Lucky said...

'Born Again' is a great term. Over here those guys are all on Harleys, instead of Hayabusas, wearing every last bit of motor co. merchandise they can get their hands on.

Anonymous said...

ah, but the better question is "Does he have his Glock strapped to the small of his back as he rolls around posing in his shorts and t-shirts?"