Saturday, March 25, 2006

The dangers of going to dealerships.

Yesterday Lady Luck and I got out of work early, and wound up swinging by the Stella dealership by our house, as well as another local dealer who sells lots of used bikes and other tasty things like Urals, Sachs Madass, and a delightful variety of scooters.

It looks like we're probably going to purchase a Stella within then next couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, I've been daydreaming about the joys of factory-ready sidehacks. Sure, they're made somewhere in the former USSR and are based on ancient technology. Sure, they're more of a bike for people who want to tinker as much as they ride. Sure, they have drum brakes front and rear. The fact is, they're damn sexy. And I could carry that Madass in the sidecar if I needed to.

I was disappointed that they didn't have any Royal Enfields on the lot, but I'll check those out soon enough. In fact, the dealer for those is out in Prescott, so I guess I'll have to make a day of it and do a pizza review while I'm at it.


Anonymous said...

which stealership did you happen across?

Lucky said...

Logan's Valley here in Mesa. Do you know anything about them?

I just went to Arizona Superbike (Elliot and Arizona Ave) the other day. I'll have a post about THAT soon too...

Anonymous said...

I've been drooling over the Ural Gear-Up for about a year now! Man, it's so damn sweet. I dig the Dneprs too but I've heard crappy things about them. But, they're half the cost!

Anonymous said...

Nope, I sure don't. I may have to just wander on by both and check them out. I have been told to get a Duc thru PIM on 7th or Central can't remember of hand, Downtown as they are the Official Duc dealer here in Penis.

But I will probably go thru Modesto in Cali when I get one.

Anonymous said...

I love the look of the Monster and Speed Triple, unfortunately my savings account does not.

I'm thinking a nakid Suzuki SV650 may be in my future. Preferably black. From everything I've read they are an excellant bike. Rider sitting is more upright than the faired version so it'd be great for commuting as well as riding the canyons here in South Arkansas. :)

Lucky said...

I think told someone else this, but I originally wanted an SV650. When I saw the VX800 I thought to myself "Cool, a proto-SV650!"

I've ridden the "sport" version of the SV650 and I was grinning from ear to ear for the rest of the day.