Monday, April 10, 2006

So begins week 2

No job yet. I have, however, had an interview and met with several recruiters. Tomorrow I'm going to a place to take their skills test to see if I'm a good enough programmer to bother interviewing, and my phone is ringing off the hook.

Which means if I want to get a full-time company going before someone else hires me, I need to get cracking. And, for your information, I HAVE been working on some product development. So I've got that going...

So far, the most awesome part of being unemployed is all the riding I get to do. I'm riding EVERYWHERE. Interviews, meetings, post office, lunch, more meetings, more lunch, buying things to fix up the house... I put 1oo miles on the bike on Friday without even trying. Of course, that's easy to do in Phoenix.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how's the VX running?

Seems like every time I get an hour or two set aside to ride something else comes up. Commuting between home and work is about all the riding I get in these days, but when you live less than 10 minutes from work that's just not enough. I'm seriously thinking about moving further away from the office just to add some saddle time to my commute!