Having had similar experiences where just picking what to have for lunch has become an insurmountable decision, I thought I'd share a little hard-won wisdom I picked up from a very experienced backpacker.
Always Carry Peanut M&M's in your tankbag.
There are three reasons for this:
- You are going to end up in a situation where you're so hungry you can't think right eventually. The sugar and protein (from the peanuts) will give you enough of a boost that you'll be able to think rationally again, and come up with a new plan.
- No matter what, Peanut M&M's sound good, unless you aren't hungry. Even then, they'll sound good. I've had times when trail mix, on the other hand, sounded awful even though I was starving. Hunger can make you stupid. Packing Peanut M&M's is planning ahead to outsmart stupid-hungry-you.
- If I remember my M&M lore correctly, the darn things were designed to be durable. They melt in your mouth, not in your tankbag.
This works. Peanut M&M's have saved the day for me on more than one occasion. Unless you've got an allergy to something in them, I would strongly recommend carrying them.
I wouldn't recommend them as your entire meal plan, but in a pinch, there's nothing better.
So, get a bag of Peanut M&M's (or a dozen. I mean, they're good...) and throw 'em in your tankbag.
You can thank me later.
Damn. They don't sell peanut M&Ms in Britain.
Ouch. My brief Google search indicated that they were available over there, sorry about that.
Are Peanut Smarties a thing that exists? I recall they taste way different than M&M's, but in a pinch...
Snickers bars would work too, though they're somewhat less rugged. ;)
Good advice Lucky! I always carry a protein bar or granola bars in my tank bag & 1 in my saddle bag, just in case I don't bring the tank bag. I also carry a spare bottle of fresh water with me as well. You just never know when you might be thirsty or hungry.
Damn no vegan versions of Peanut M&Ms. Until then it is trail mix and cliff bars in the tail bag (I don't have a tank bag)......
Hmmm, how about that. I just picked up some peanut M&Ms yesterday and they are sitting in my tail bag.
great advice lucky! i always carry a sealed bag of nuts (so it keeps), gummy bears, and at least one frozen water bottle. sometimes more depending on weather.
Dar - Thanks! Protein bars are good too. Personally, I got really tired of them, but there was a time when I wouldn't be caught without one stashed in my bag. Water too.
Trobairitz - Ouch on no M&Ms. Trail mix is a good alternative, though. Like I mentioned just above, I can't do Clif bars any more, but I used to love them. :)
RichardM - Excellent! Do you carry a winter emergency kit of some sort with you, by the way? Just curious.
MQ01 - Good stuff! Why gummy bears? Sugar boost? Just because? Inquiring minds want to know. :)
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