Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Final Stretch!

There are less than 4,000 words to go on my novel. The end is, indeed, in sight.

This is good news for me and those of you who are irritated by the lack of pizza and motorcycle posting here on The Great Motorcycle Pizza Tour, but bad news for those of you hoping the story will never end. Once it's finished, I guess all you fans (yes, both of you) are just going to have to wait for me to finish editing and get it published. Then you'll be able to go to the bookstore and help put a little extra coin in the Moto-Pizza-Touring purse. Not to mention the inevitable fun of my book tour. Right now my autograph isn't worth much, but we'll see if that changes after I'm on the NY Times Bestseller list.

Anyway, get reading. 3 new chapters are up so far from this weekend, and if things go well, I might add another one tonight.


Combatscoot said...

It's obvious to me, you've read some of Douglas Adams' work.

Lucky said...

Some? Shoot, I think I've only missed two of his books. :D Maybe only one. It's been a long time since I've read them, though.

I'll probably have to tone down some of my Adams influence in the edit...

Combatscoot said...

I think that would eliminate the whole novel. Good stuff, though.