Monday, September 11, 2006

Movings and Shakings

I'm sure many of you have noticed that I've been rather enthusiastic lately. In the last 3 months I've gotten a kick ass new gig that I totally love, a super kick ass new bike that I'm absolutely tickled with, and have generally felt kinda motivated and chock full of virility.

Until this weekend. I've still got the great gig, the great bike and things are all pretty good, but I've been feeling decidedly unmotivated and generally frustrated for the past couple of days. I think the problem is that, although I aspire to greatness, I've been doing kind of a lousy job of taking action and getting on my path to greatness. I want to be a mover and a shaker, but most of the time I barely muster a solid rattle. I know, however, that I don't want to spend my whole life working for someone else's company.

I think a big part of my problem is that I have a hard time picking a goal and sticking with it. Every few weeks, I'll have another brilliant idea and I'll want to pursue that instead. And I think just about everything is completely awesome. I've stopped telling people about new things that I'm excited about because I usually just get an eye roll now.

As of tonight, I'm pretty sure I've got a goal picked out for myself, and I'm working hard to stay focused on it (I'll tell you more when I've got it figured out enough for public consumption). Next up is the part where I go after my goal with overwhelming force. That part is where I get stuck because, as I said, I get distracted easily.

Transitioning the focus I have while riding to other parts of my life is damn hard. But, since most people take the easy way, it stands to reason that it is better to take the more difficult path.

Well, I've got my head down. Time to start running at that wall.


Biker Betty said...

Good luck with maintaining your goal. I think most of us can empathize with goal shifting and uncertainty with what to do with our futures. It is very easy to get distracted from project to project. I, myself, still don't know what I want to do when I grow up, lol. So, good luck, you will do it.

Anonymous said...


I found your blog linked from Gary's pizza review on the ride to work/blog. Love the pizza reviews and reading about various rides, but today's entry has me actually posting a response.

I feel you man -- I gotta just pick something and go. I may ask you to hold off charging at the wall, just yet. Just because you feel like you need to go the 'road more difficult' in order to 'fit in', doesn't mean this approach will work for you.

I know it sounds corny, but you may not be 'wired' to pick 1 thing and then run at the wall until you either hit it hard or go through it. Instead figure out how to use that ability to find something awesome with 'just about anything' you think about --- that truly is as a special talent. Something that most people couldn't do, thus something they will roll their eyes at.

I'm not one for 'self help' books, but there was 1 book I found and it talked about people that "get bored once they know how to do something", "how they SHOULD focus on one thing, but don't know which one", and "can never stick to anything"... it isn't that they aren't smart or talented... they usually are very smart and multi-talented, but they can't just limit themselves to 1 thing to specialize in to become a 'success'. Looking at the variety of your interests and this post... I think you fit that profile.

Check out ISBN: 1594866260 --- it's on amazon for about $11 in paperback or free at your library to see if you are a 'Scanner'. I've realized that it is OK to have multiple projects at different levels of completion and to leave some that may NEVER be completed.

Think of what Gary learned with the baron in winter. Use your 'weakness' and turn it into your natural advantage.

Good luck finding ALL of the things you are interested in, doing the ones that matter, and finding a way to pay the bills with some of the others in the meantime -- you should truly consider yourself LUCKY.


Anonymous said...

Just realized that I only listed the ISBN. Book title is a lengthy one

"Refuse to Choose!: A Revolutionary Program for Doing Everything that You Love "


Chris Cope said...

"I've stopped telling people about new things that I'm excited about because I usually just get an eye roll now."

Whoa, man. That is familiar. There is still a part of me that doesn't like to talk about this whole Wales experience for just that reason.

Also, why were you invited to Blogger Beta and not me?

Lucky said...

Betty - I sidestepped the "what to do when I grow up" question by resolving not to grow up.

Matl - Thanks for the book recommendation, I'm going to hit the library and check it out.

Chris - Because my blog features both pizza AND motorcycles.

Actually, I was forced to sign up for it. One day I just couldn't log in to the old version of blogger anymore. And now I can't leave comments on non-beta-version blogs. It's annoying.