Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hilarious Side Effects

On the VX, the rider sits rather upright, and the tank is low and out of the way. Conversely, on the Speed Four, the rider leans over the tank, and the tank rises to meet the rider. It's kind of nice, I feel like I'm in a cockpit, as opposed to riding on top of a lawn tractor (OK, a really, really fun lawn tractor...).

The combination of a low seat, a tall tank and a hot motor leads to an amusing problem, however. My stomach usually stays in contact with the tank when I ride. It's not uncomfy, but in the heat it leads to a hilarious sweat mark right in the middle of my gut. If I'm not careful about what I wear, the spot can be extremely obvious.

Anyone else had a similar experience?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, but if you ride very far in the rain with chaps it can make you look like you pissed your pants.